
Vintage-Yashica.com attempts to present the products, accomplishments, and visions of a well known camera manufacturer throughout its corporate lifetime. Yashica, as presented here, covers the years of operation from 1949 up until the official dissolution of the company, as-announced in 2005, and the few remaining years of product support while under the ownership of the Kyocera Corporation that ended in 2015.

The information offered here is fact-based and from numerous public sources, distributor and/or dealer correspondence, advertising brochures and other marketing materials, item and price catalogs for both retail use and 'the trade', recognized and trusted news sources and press releases, and a few anectodatal details from both users and collectors from manuals or other corporate documentation as-supplied by Yashica and it's corporate owners. What you'll see and read here will only deal with officially disclosed and undisputed information. Any questions on 'Why' or 'How' things may have happened at the corporate level won't be relevant for the presentation this site provides.

If you are a collector or user or a previous dealer or distributor who would be able to provide your own photos of the products featured here, please consider contributing them for posting in either the Articles or Gallery sections of this site. Any documents than can illuminate any information that may be incorrect or currently missing would also be gladly accepted if you could provide legible copies as data files. Site submissions for your relevant photos or files are acceptable upon a formal request.